Sunday, December 20, 2009

Whats the best smelling, least expensive perfume I could get somewhere like Victoria's Secret?

I want to buy a really sweet perfume but for something that won't cost a kidney. I also wanna be able to buy it at a store like Victoria's Secret, Target, Macy's, Bath %26amp; Body Works, etc.

Please provide the name, store, and price if possible :]Whats the best smelling, least expensive perfume I could get somewhere like Victoria's Secret?
Sexy Little Things from Victoria Secret... i got it on sale for $15 at the time but it may be a little expensive :/

But totally worth it! I love it... not an overload of perfume but just enough

Guys like it too ;)Whats the best smelling, least expensive perfume I could get somewhere like Victoria's Secret?
Hawaiian ginger is an awesome one. i used to wear it all the time. you can even find it in walmart. or target. it's a body spray. for a big bottle it's about $6.00. They also have lotion and body soap.
jlo Perfume in the pink bottle its my favorite you can get it at Macy's.sugar and spice by jelly belly is also a good one.
um i think its called sexy, form victoria secret, no idea how much it costs, pretty sure its not too expensive.. i love it
love spell[its purple]. victorias secret. i dont know the price but ti's not expensive maybe like $6

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