Sunday, December 20, 2009

Which would you rather have, a llama or a bottle of expensive perfume?

Self explanatory.....Which would you rather have, a llama or a bottle of expensive perfume?
Easy. I actually have both. My perfume sits in a cupboard and I never even think about wearing it.

I spend time with my llamas every single day. They make me smile and the stresses of the day just fade away. (And NO, they don't spit at me...they spit at each other when they are having food issues. It's a common misconception that they spit at everything. And their spitting would definitely NOT leave a bruise!!!)

Give me llamas any day.Which would you rather have, a llama or a bottle of expensive perfume?
Can I have a llama that someone sprayed with a bottle of expensive perfume? Those things stink otherwise.
The llama, definetly.
As if I dont have enough..Id say perfume....No use for a llama.
A bottle of expensive perfume because llama's spit! Yucky!!! :P
a llama. perfume isnt expensive. i have chanel, ruehl, a%26amp;f, another chanel, and burberry, and none are expensive.
a bottle of expensive perfume, but so expensive i would hardley ever wear it!!
IIamas are cute but you dont have to look after and feed perfume, so theres my answer.
A bottle of expensive perfume. A llama can spit on you!!! It's really gross. And it can spit so hard that ir can bruise your skin. That would be horrible.
I think a llama might be fun - at least you would get to choose a name for it and could say the word 'llama' all the time!
a bottle of expensive perfume, no doubt! Why?!?
a bottle of expensive perfume!

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