Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do you prefer clean body or expensive perfume smell on people around?

By clean body I mean a smell of soap or no smell.

By expensive perfume I mean any chemical use (deodorant, eau de parfume, perfume, cologne, etc.)Do you prefer clean body or expensive perfume smell on people around?

I often wonder why girls bother with those expensive perfumes .. is it to disguise serious b o. I personally prefer no perfume.. just the smell of soap. Had a girl once that was allergic to all kinds of things including perfumes and soap. She showered a bit more than the average person but wow she smelt great. Just clean. Where I am at it is very hot and humid so I people tend to use huge amounts of perfume. Now I am a nature boy you know flowers, clean air etc. At knock off time the office girls climb into those lifts and man I want to die. The air is so thick that you can cut it with a knife. Surely an odorless antiperspirant will suffice. Subtle perfumes are great but some of that stuff is really ';in your face'; offensive junk.Do you prefer clean body or expensive perfume smell on people around?
Hi, I certainly prefer clean body.If there's something I can't stand is someone trying to cover up body odour with perfume.All it gets you is a smell of perfumed stale onions.OOOOOhhhh disaster!!!!!!!!!!
A Clean body everytime, you never know what the perfume is covering up.
clean body, no amount of expensive scent will mask an unwashed dirty body, Body Odour smells like kebabs and onions.
Id prefer clean body since my nose is kind of sensitive and it sneezes to strong scents.

But I would have both though....clean body and Cologne.
I'm allergic to perfume. I had a teacher who literally bathed in Chanel #5. She loved the fragrance. When I figured out my grades in typing class were plummeting because I couldn't concentrate with a migraine, I realized it wasn't typing class giving me the migraine. So I logically deduced it was the teacher's perfume. I asked her if I could sit in the back of the class and told her why. She asked a guy to sit in front so I could sit in back. She never walked to the back of the class...until I sat there. Ugh. So I just dealt with it the best I could. It isn't my fault I'm the ';responsive'; type of student who tends to make teachers gravitate toward me (nodding...answering questions..etc). I'm like a teacher magnet. So I continued to suffer until the year was over. It was awful. I didn't make an A in typing or her class (vocabulary) b/c of that. Irriating, since I was a straight-A student up to that point.

I had a professor in college from Africa who lived in Europe for a few years before coming to the US. He had such awful body odor that everyone wanted to sit in the back row just to be able to breathe. The students would open the windows before he got there to try to keep the air moving in there. He didn't use deodorant or anything else that might have cut that strong body odor. So I quit the class during the drop/add period.

So, through experience with both ends of the spectrum, I prefer someone with a clean smell: soap or no smell.

What gets me are the people who wear strong perfume to doctor's offices even though they know the ';no perfume'; rule. I guess they get immune to their own smell and don't realize they are wearing enough perfume to smell a mile away.
Look,thats a good question.I think first we have to be clean,thats truth,we have to be fresh,but that doesnt mean we cant use a perfume.I will say its better a simple fresh perfume,not a perfume that makes you feel old.Maeby,if you have enough money for expensive perfumes,ill say BVLGARI or EAU DE PARFUME.
I perfer the clean smell or a very light smell. Really strong perfume makes me cry!
Clean Body.
Clean is the most important thing I prefer.

I just know someone don't like to have bathe, and then use perfume to conver the terrible smell.

awesome !
clean body , for sure ..

a clean body has the most attractive scent .

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